In-Home Testing for Customers

Benefits of Optional At-Home Specimen Collection:

  1. Safety: At-home collection eliminates exposure to a deadly pathogen while traveling to or waiting at a COVID-19 testing facility. 

  2. Privacy: Self-collection can be completed in the privacy of one's own home under medical supervision.

  3. Improved Collection: Self-collection allows participants to carefully collect their saliva sample. This process may be more thorough than the process of collection by a healthcare worker who is hurried or overly cautious when collecting large volumes of samples from potentially infectious patients at a public testing facility.

  4. Healthcare Worker Safety: Healthcare workers are not exposed to the virus when patients collect samples at home. Personal protective equipment (PPE) is conserved.

  5. Less Resource Intensive: At-home testing with our test kits does not require refrigeration or special processing of collected specimen test tubes. The virus is inactivated. At-home testing does not require a dedicated testing facility or dedicated staff assigned to specimen collection.

Step 1: Take the Test

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Step 2: Process Specimens

Our Laboratory Partners with rRT-PCR equipment and trained lab technicians process specimens collected using our test kits. Biotech Accelerated's infectious disease testing laboratory partners are capable of processing tens of thousands of customer specimens per day—with rapid analysis and delivery of results within 12-48 hours.

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Step 3: Receive Your Results

Test results will be matched to barcode numbers printed on the provided Test Kit specimen tubes. Results are confidential and private. In this manner, we are compliant with HIPAA requirements and privacy guidelines. Patients receive their results through our online portal.

Step 4: Receive Contact Tracing Support

Our laboratories comply with state health department result reporting requirements. This allows your state to contact trace, contain the pandemic where possible, and accurately dedicate resources to areas of high transmission. Biotech Accelerated is also partnered with the MAVEN Project, a telemedicine 501(c)(3) non-profit partnered with multiple medical associations to provide health related support services and implement contact tracing for partnered organizations.